Michael Joe Cini
3rd December 2020
Cannabis No Longer in ‘World’s Most Dangerous Substances’ Category Says UN
Commission on Narcotic Drugs eliminates cannabis from ‘world’s most dangerous’ category
This Wednesday, cannabis was taken off the UN’s ‘world’s most dangerous drugs’ list. Following the extensive research performed in the past couple of years on the potential of marijuana as medicine, faciliated tha drug’s transition especially with the recommendation by the WHO, in which it also included the fact the the drug has no significant risk of death and it can be the solution for treating pain and conditions such as epilepsy.
The vote was still relatively pretty close, with 27 in favour and 25 against and one abstention, for the removal of both cannabis and cannabis resin from the global text regarding drug controls: the 1961 Single Conventon on Narcotic Drugs.
Although Wednesday’s decision does not clear UN members to legalise cannabis under the international drug control system, it is still a momentous event for the Medical Cannabis industry seeing as the work and struggles of so many are finally being recgonized as they should be.