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27th October 2021

Indian Med-Tech Braces for Chip Shortage

While the demand can still be met, critical life-saving devices might face a shortage by the end of the year

While some countries are hit more or less by the global shortage of semiconductor chips, import-reliant India fears a shortage of life-saving med-tech by the end of the year if no countermeasures are taken. Among the machines in demand are ventilators, defibrillators, ECG, imaging machines, blood pressure monitors and implantable pacemakers.
Manufacturing periods of chips have increased from 4-8 weeks to 30-40 weeks, causing problematic delays of the US-American, Japanese and Chinese imports. Subsequently prices are surging by as much as 20 percent and by the end of the year, stocks are expected to crash hard.
Certain med-tech players criticise the country’s neglect of the health care sectors in the past decades, making it dependent of other countries. China however, set up a strong mercantile health sector devoid of import fiascos. Cries for India to copy the Chinese model have arisen, as it might be a solution to avoid the worst-case scenario.

Med-Tech World: 18th-19th November 2021

The Med-Tech World conference, which follows a successful digital event in 2020, will run from 18th-19th November 2021 and will highlight innovations and developments in digital health across the globe. With so many countries realising the potential for exponential growth, Med-Tech World will address the opportunities and challenges driving this multi-million forum – embracing the potential for technological innovation to change the face of medicine in this global sector. Register your interest here!