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Retia Medical Seal Pitch Victory in Valletta

21st October 2023

Retia Medical Seal Pitch Victory in Valletta

Retia Medical were worthy victors as they beat out the impressive competition and convinced the judges of their idea’s acutely significant value.

The hotly anticipated MedTech World Summit in Malta saw the return of the coveted start-up pitch competition at the Mediterranean Conference Centre (MCC).

The industry-leading conference played host to key technological innovations and keen keynote insights which concluded on the second day, 20th October, 2023 with the prestigious contest.

This widely respected platform allows start-up companies that are focused on the latest and greatest in medical technologies, the opportunity to present their products services and solutions to a panel of judges laced with industry expertise and decision-making leaders.

The unique opportunity afforded not only the winners but every one of this year’s 10 pitch finalists includes powerful exposure to industry experts, healthcare professionals, investors, and entrepreneurs from around the world.

Retia Medical

As is the med-tech industry, the competition continues to grow in its quality and difficulty with the judges deeming Retia to have had the most novelty, feasibility, market potential and overall impact on healthcare.

Their solution is called the Argos Cardiac Output monitor, which enables individualised, data-driven care that aims to prevent complications.

The winner, Retia’s founder Marc Zemel, showed great appreciation for such a prestigious honour stating on the level of competition

As is the MedTech industry, the competition continues to grow in its quality and difficulty with the judges deeming Retia to have had the most novelty, feasibility, market potential and overall impact on healthcare.

Their solution is called the Argos Cardiac Output monitor, which enables individualised, data-driven care that aims to prevent complications.

The winner, Retia’s founder Marc Zemel, showed great appreciation for such a prestigious honour stating on the level of competition:

“Everyone of the entrants was fantastic and I was so impressed with the quality of the field. It was way more than I expected.”

Continuing, it was expressed that the judges showed a great degree of professionalism in how they approached their questions.

Retia concluded with a view to the future, looking to continue to drive revenue in their base, New York, and continue to care for their high-risk patients.

Affording some valuable advice to any future pitch winners Zemmel offered this:

“Practice, practice, practice your pitch. Get that story really tight so you can fall out of bed and do it but what ultimately wins it at the end of the day is building the business. You have to have the results behind the story.”

You could be our next winner! 

Book your Start-Up Pass and make the most out of our opportunities to network with potential investors and partners. Each pass will allow you a 1m x 1m booth on the exhibition floor, access to all networking events across both days and the chance to be amongst the chosen start-ups to pitch on stage during the Start-Up Pitching Competition.

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