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UK Government Orders Million Rapid Antibody Covid-19 Tests

7th October 2020

UK Government Orders Million Rapid Antibody Covid-19 Tests

UK Government makes a deal with Abingdon Health for AbC-19 Rapid Antibody tests

The UK government has ordered the first million antibody rapid tests as part of a contract with Abingdon Health to increase the efficiency of medical sector against the pandemic and to also help understand its route and how it spread throughout the British isles.
The “AbC-19 Rapid Test” can be administered by healthcare professionals, from doctors, nurses, pharmacists to healthcare workers, and has received the CE mark. Essentially one takes a small drop of blood from a finger-prick, and the test presents the result in about 20 minute. All of this without the need of a lab or clinic. The tests is sensitive to IgG antibodies to “full timeric spike proteins” of the virus, meaning that it detects the antibodies that intrude with the virus’s ability to enter the human cells.
At the moment the government has more orders underway, and Abingdon Health are naturally mass producing this for many other countries. As it is being rolled out, it will also be supervised under government particularly to trace the pandemic spread, whilst also helping medical professionals to understand the longeviety of immunity and help gauge the efficiency of any vaccine that might be on the market.

The CEO of Abingdon Health, Chris Yates commented on the contract and said

“We have ramped up production since the start of August and will be ready to deliver the first tests to the government by early October. I would like to express my thanks to all my Abingdon Health colleagues for their tremendous support and hard work in achieving this milestone.”

To make and produce such a large amount of antibody tests, Abingdon Health’s contract with the government will include the Uk’s largest rapid test medical manufacturers so that in unison they will deliver of more than a million tests per week.


In November 2019, Medical Cannabiz World opened its doors to the medicinal cannabis industry, supported by the Maltese government’s commitment to legislation for this high growth sector. After last year’s huge success, the second edition of Medical Cannabiz World will take place virtually on the 20th and 21st October 2020. Don’t miss out. Save the dates!